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Hackers shut down Russia's most popular propaganda TV channels on Putin's birthday

Hackers shut down Russia's most popular propaganda TV channels on Putin's birthday Photo: Ukrainian hackers shut down the most popular propaganda TV channels in Russia (Illustrative photo: Getty Images)

Ukrainian hackers made a “gift” to Russian President Vladimir Putin on his birthday by launching a large-scale attack on the all-Russian state television and radio broadcasting company. Cyber specialists stopped online broadcasts of Russia 1 and Russia 24 TV channels.

According to RBC-Ukraine sources, the main propaganda TV channels stopped broadcasting online in the morning: “Russia 1 and Russia 24, Russia Culture, RTR Planet, and more than 20 others.

“According to our information, not only online broadcasting of these TV channels, but also television broadcasting is not working in the swamps (Russia - ed.),” the sources said.

Employees of the Russian companies say that “all information on the servers, even backups, has been destroyed, online broadcasting and internal services are down, and there is no Internet or telephony.”

Responsibility for the attack was claimed by the anonymous pro-Ukrainian hacker group Sudo rm-RF, which has repeatedly hit Russia hard.

Hacker attacks against Russia

Ukrainian hackers are constantly conducting operations against Russia. For example, a number of online resources related to supplying the army or tracking the movement of people in Russia have recently been targeted.

We also reported about a cyberattack on Russia's financial sector - Alfa-Bank, Rostelecom were targeted.

At the end of September, more than 800 servers in different regions of Russia were attacked. All data was destroyed beyond recovery.