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Cyberattack on Russian financial sector: Banks and telecom hit

Cyberattack on Russian financial sector: Banks and telecom hit Illustrative photo: hackers launched a cyberattack on the Russian financial sector (Getty Images)

The Cyber Corps of the Main Directorate of Intelligence of Ukraine’s Ministry of Defense carried out a cyberattack on Russia's financial sector, disrupting the operation of banks and more, according to RBC-Ukraine's sources in Ukrainian intelligence.

According to the agency’s sources, Alfa-Bank, Otkritie Bank, and the telecommunications operator Rostelecom were among those affected by the cyber strike.

Cyberattack on Russian financial sector: Banks and telecom hit

Cyberattack on Russian financial sector: Banks and telecom hit

Photo: Consequences of the Ukrainian cyber attack

This attack caused a global disruption in the fast payment system, halted the operation of banking mobile apps and online banking, and affected the internal systems of financial institutions.

Photo: Russians' complaints about the cyberattack

According to local media, Russian banks acknowledged the disruption in services but did not disclose the reasons. The timeline for restoring the services has also not been revealed.

What came before

It’s worth noting that Ukrainian hackers have carried out several cyberattacks on Russia's largest companies, including banks, in the past.

In July, the Cyber Corps of Ukrainian intelligence targeted Russia’s financial sector. That attack lasted a week and was one of the most extensive assaults on Russia’s internet infrastructure.

The attack affected the operations of VTB Bank, Alfa-Bank, Sberbank, Raiffeisen Bank, RSHB Bank, Ak Bars Bank, Rosbank, Gazprombank, T-Bank, iBank, Dom.rf Bank, and the Bank of Russia.