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Ukrainian intelligence hackers attack resources of Russian army suppliers - sources

Ukrainian intelligence hackers attack resources of Russian army suppliers - sources Photo: Defense Intelligence of Ukraine hackers attacked the resources of Russian army suppliers (Getty Images)
Author: Liliana Oleniak

Hackers of the Defense Intelligence of Ukraine attacked the resources of Russian army suppliers. In addition, many other resources serving Russians were attacked, the sources say.

“As a result of the operation, cyber specialists of the Defense Intelligence of Ukraine attacked several Russian online resources related to supplying the occupation army or tracking the movement of people in Russia,” the source says.

According to a military intelligence source, the operation resulted in the acquisition of data on, which is a supplier of military equipment and uniforms to the Russian Ministry of Defense.

The website was also attacked, including access to user data, including Russian military personnel booking accommodation in Russia.

Among others, the website was affected, which contains a database of registered patents and may be of interest to military intelligence. All of these resources operate in the interests of Russia and assist the Russian occupation army.

At the same time, as a result of the cyberattack, an image of an owl over the neutralized aggressor appeared on the attacked resources.

Ukrainian intelligence hackers attack resources of Russian army suppliers - sources

Photo: Defense Intelligence of Ukraine

Ukrainian intelligence hackers attack resources of Russian army suppliers - sources

Photo: Defense Intelligence of Ukraine

Ukrainian intelligence hackers attack resources of Russian army suppliers - sources

Photo: Defense Intelligence of Ukraine

Ukrainian intelligence hackers attack resources of Russian army suppliers - sources

Photo: Defense Intelligence of Ukraine

Ukrainian intelligence hackers attack resources of Russian army suppliers - sources

Photo: Defense Intelligence of Ukraine

Defense Intelligence of Ukraine's cyber operations

Ukrainian intelligence officers are constantly conducting cyber operations in Russia. For example, at the end of September, DIU hackers attacked over 800 servers in different regions of Russia. All data was destroyed beyond recovery.

In addition, Defense Intelligence of Ukraine hackers attacked several important servers in Russia at once. And in early March, hackers launched a large-scale DDoS attack on the servers of the Russian Defense Ministry. They gained access to a lot of data and documents, including classified ones.