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General staff reveals details from closed meeting with Commander-in-Chief

General staff reveals details from closed meeting with Commander-in-Chief Photo: Oleksandr Syrskyi, commander of the Ground Forces (GettyImages)

The military command held a meeting to review the Ukrainian Armed Forces' activities in August this year. A secure video conferencing network was used for the discussion, according to the General Staff of the Ukrainian Armed Forces.

During the meeting, Commander-in-Chief of the Ukrainian Armed Forces, General Oleksandr Syrskyi, emphasized the need to enhance the combat cohesion of the established military units. The discussion also covered improving the effectiveness of both individual and collective training of personnel for combat tasks.

The meeting primarily focused on:

  • changes in the operational situation;
  • staffing military units with trained and motivated personnel;
  • comprehensive training of newly formed brigades and the restoration of existing ones;
  • ensuring uninterrupted supply of standard equipment and ammunition to combat units;
  • the operational integration of combat experience into the military training system;
  • identifying key solutions to several problematic issues.

Frontline situation in August 2024

Since the beginning of August, the Russian army has intensified its offensive along the entire front line. However, the most active area remains Pokrovsk. The Russians have managed to advance 11 kilometers towards Pokrovsk, leading to the implementation of a prolonged curfew and the evacuation of civilians there.

According to Syrskyi, the Russians are actively using their advantage in personnel and military equipment in the Pokrovsk direction. Over 50 combat clashes occur daily, with the Russians losing up to 300 soldiers.

Since early August, the Ukrainian Armed Forces have been conducting an operation in the Kursk region. During this time, the Ukrainian forces have taken control of 100 settlements in the Russian region. Additionally, a large number of Russian prisoners have been captured, who will be exchanged for Ukrainian prisoners.

President Volodymyr Zelenskyy stated that the actions of the Ukrainian Armed Forces in the Kursk region are part of a major military-diplomatic operation.

The Ukrainian operation in the Kursk region has also led to Moscow withdrawing approximately 30,000 troops from the front in Ukraine and redeploying them to this direction.