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Zelenskyy: Presence of Ukraine's Forces in Kursk region is way to compensate for lack of long-range capabilities

Zelenskyy: Presence of Ukraine's Forces in Kursk region is way to compensate for lack of long-range capabilities Photo: President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy (Getty Images)

The physical presence of Ukrainian troops in the Kursk region is a way to compensate for the lack of long-range capabilities, according to the evening address of Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy.

Zelenskyy explained that efforts to mitigate the consequences of the Russian strike on Ukraine are still ongoing. In total, the Russian army launched over 120 missiles of various types and more than 100 Shaheds.

He noted that the missile launch areas targeting Ukraine included the airspace of the Kursk and Belgorod regions, other border regions of Russia, as well as the Black Sea.

"Every such strike reminds us again and again of the need for long-range capabilities. It underscores the necessity to equip our defense forces with enough long-range weapons to destroy the terrorists exactly where they are launching their attacks from," the president said.

According to him, "this is the optimal counterterrorism tactic, which each of our partners would certainly use to protect themselves," and it is something Ukraine expects decisions on regarding long-range capabilities.

"And the physical presence of our forces in the Kursk region, our active operations to eliminate the Russian threat on their own territory, is, among other things, a way to compensate for the lack of long-range capabilities," Zelenskyy emphasized.

The president also discussed today's meeting with the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, Oleksandr Syrskyi. They talked about repelling today's missile strike and responding to Russia, the use of F-16s, and the operation in the Kursk region.

"Regarding the operation in the Kursk region, we are continuing our actions in designated areas exactly as Ukraine needs. Over the past day, we have gained more control and added to the exchange fund," the president said.

Operation of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in the Kursk region

Fighting has been ongoing in the Kursk region for three weeks. The Armed Forces of Ukraine broke through the border and have taken control of nearly a hundred settlements in the Russian region.

The operation's goal is to protect residents of Ukraine's border regions from Russian shelling and to create a buffer zone.

As President Volodymyr Zelenskyy noted, Ukrainian soldiers are not only restoring justice as part of the operation in the Kursk region. They are also achieving effective results.

At the same time, Zelenskyy emphasized that the actions of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in the Kursk region are part of a larger military-diplomatic operation.