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Ukrainian Armed Forces Commander-in-Chief comments on situation in Pokrovsk direction

Ukrainian Armed Forces Commander-in-Chief comments on situation in Pokrovsk direction Photo: Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces Oleksandr Syrskyi (Getty Images)
Author: Liliana Oleniak

The situation in the Pokrovsk direction remains difficult. More than 50 combat clashes take place every day, according to the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, Oleksandr Syrskyi.

The Russians actively use their advantage in manpower and military equipment, in particular artillery and aviation.

Syrskyi noted that the main offensive actions are being conducted by new infantry groups.

"Russia is trying to knock out the section of the road Kostiantynivka-Pokrovsk, by which it is trying to disrupt the logistical connection of the Ukrainian Defense Forces," he says.

Syrskyi adds that the Russians are advancing in this direction at a very high cost.

"On average, Ukrainian soldiers neutralize 300 invaders every day in this direction, work is actively underway on the daily equipment of our positions and defense lines," the Commander-in-Chief notes.

He adds that despite the difficult situation, Pokrovsk remains under the control of the Ukrainian military. The command of the defense forces is doing everything possible to stabilize the situation in this direction, Syrskyi assures.

Situation in Pokrovsk direction

The Russian army continues its offensive in the direction of Pokrovsk, which currently remains the most difficult section of the front. Earlier it was reported that the Russian troops are at a distance of 11 km from Pokrovsk.

Recently, President Volodymyr Zelenskyi said that the Armed Forces of Ukraine would additionally strengthen the Pokrovsk direction due to the worsening of the situation on this part of the front.