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Powerful explosion in Russian Krasnodar Krai, oil refinery caught on fire

Powerful explosion in Russian Krasnodar Krai, oil refinery caught on fire Illustrative photo (Russian media)

On the night of October 29, an explosion burst out at an oil refinery in the Krasnodar Krai, resulting in a fire, reports the Telegram channel SHOT.

A powerful explosion occurred in the area of the Afipsky oil refinery in the Severny District of the Krasnodar Krai, according to eyewitnesses.

"It happened around 3:20 in the morning. Local residents reported hearing a sound similar to a lawnmower before the explosion. Preliminarily, a drone attacked the refinery. The fire is visible at the site now," said the post.

The regional government called it a local flare-up, and the cause is being investigated. Telegram channels are posting videos from eyewitnesses who claim they heard the explosion before the fire.

"The plant's services quickly extinguished the fire within half an hour. No one was injured, and the infrastructure is undamaged," according to a message from the regional government on Telegram.

The Russian EMERCOM did not comment on the information about the fire but mentioned in the statement that there was no threat to the enterprise and the residents of nearby settlements.

Explosions in Russia

Lately, fires and explosions have been occurring more frequently in Russia.

Recently, in Moscow, a significant fire broke out after a gas pipeline ignited on the territory of a heat and power plant (TEC).

Just a month ago in Moscow, a powerful fire broke out on the premises of a shopping center, engulfing an area of 500 square meters.

Also, at the beginning of September, a fire occurred in the capital of the Russian Federation at the largest plant for aviation engine production.