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Drones on front lines cannot yet replace artillery and missile forces - General Havryliuk

Drones on front lines cannot yet replace artillery and missile forces - General Havryliuk Photo: Ivan Havryliuk, First Deputy Minister of Defense of Ukraine (Vitalii Nosach, RBC-Ukraine)

The role of drones in the war between Ukraine and Russia will continue to grow in the future. However, for now, drones cannot replace missiles and artillery, states Lieutenant General Ivan Havryliuk, the First Deputy Minister of Defense, in an interview with RBC-Ukraine.

"Technologies are changing the course of the war. Technological superiority is a real chance to change the situation on the front in our favor. The role of drones in the war will be increasing. For now, they cannot replace missile forces and artillery, except partially, for specific tasks," believes Havryliuk.

He noted that drones adjust artillery fire, making it more precise and reducing ammunition expenditure. However, the role of missile forces and artillery "remains extremely important."

According to Havryliuk, the Russian troops can advance precisely due to the high intensity of artillery and multiple rocket launcher use. Meanwhile, electronic warfare systems cannot affect artillery.

"The effectiveness of combat operations depends on the comprehensive use of the entire spectrum of weapons: artillery, drones, armored vehicles, multiple rocket launchers, electronic warfare, and the professionalism of the personnel," emphasized the Deputy Minister of Defense.

Ukrainian drones

Ukraine has successfully used drones, including those of domestic production, multiple times in the war against Russian forces.

In particular, Ukrainian long-range drones have targeted ammunition depots on Russian territory.

Recently, US Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin stated that Ukraine produces "some of the best drones in the world." This is significant considering that at the beginning of the war, Ukrainians were using Molotov cocktails to destroy enemy equipment.