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Drone strikes on Russian airfields delay attack on Ukraine - Budanov

Drone strikes on Russian airfields delay attack on Ukraine - Budanov Photo: Chief of the Defence Intelligence of Ukraine Kyrylo Budanov (Vitalii Nosach, RBC-Ukraine).
Author: Daryna Vialko

Ukraine managed to delay Russia's attack. This was due to drone strikes that targeted Russian airfields, according to the Chief of the Defence Intelligence of Ukraine Kyrylo Budanov.

Budanov noted that the strikes on Russian airfields temporarily delayed Russia's attack on Ukraine.

"Recently, drones reached certain Russian airfields, including Olenya and others. There were damaged bombers. This allowed us to delay strikes against us for at least a few days," explained the Chief of the Defence Intelligence of Ukraine.

At the end of last month, anonymous sources told RBC-Ukraine about a drone attack by Ukrainian intelligence on an oil refinery, as well as three Russian military airfields.

Later, Ukrainian intelligence officially confirmed Ukraine's strikes on Russian military airfields and even called the operation an "Olympic achievement."

It was recently revealed that during the strike on the Olenya airfield, two strategic Tu-22M3 bombers were damaged.