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Two Tu-22M3 bombers damaged during strike on Olenya airfield - Defense Intelligence of Ukraine

Two Tu-22M3 bombers damaged during strike on Olenya airfield - Defense Intelligence of Ukraine Photo: representative of the Defense Intelligence of Ukraine Andrii Yusov (Vitaliy Nosach, RBC-Ukraine).
Author: Daryna Vialko

Two Tu-22M3 strategic bombers were damaged as a result of an attack on the Olenya military airfield in the Murmansk region of Russia, stated the representative of the Defense Intelligence of Ukraine Andrii Yusov.

"We can confirm the damage to two Tu-22M3 aircraft. We are talking about aircraft No. 33 and No. 31," said Yusov.

According to him, more time is needed to talk about the exact severity of the damage.

"But we can preliminarily say that aircraft No. 33 has holes in the upper part of the fuselage, and aircraft No. 31 also has some body damage," the Defense Intelligence of Ukraine representative said.

As Yusov noted, according to a preliminary assessment, it may take the Russians at least a few months to repair these planes.

When asked about how this operation was carried out and with what weaponry, the Defense Intelligence representative replied: "Some good people used some good drones."

He also specified that the attack took place on July 25 at 3:47 p.m. Moscow time.

Strike on Olenya airfield

On July 27, RBC-Ukraine sources reported that Ukrainian drones attacked an oil refinery and three military airfields in Russia. At the Olenya airfield in the Murmansk region, a Tu-22M3 bomber was damaged.

Later, this information was confirmed by Ukrainian intelligence. They stated that the damage to the enemy airfield and oil refinery was an "Olympic achievement" for Ukrainian forces. The weekend was very "productive".