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Chinese envoy arrives in Moscow, discusses Ukraine with Lavrov's deputy

Chinese envoy arrives in Moscow, discusses Ukraine with Lavrov's deputy Photo: special representative of China Li Hui (Russian media)

Special Representative of China Li Hui visited Moscow. He discussed the war in Ukraine with the Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation, according to Reuters and Chinese media.

The Chinese diplomat arrived in Moscow on Saturday, March 2nd. There, he met with Deputy Foreign Minister of Russia, Mikhail Galuzin.

The Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs stated that the sides exchanged views on the "Ukrainian crisis" (as China refers to Russia's war against Ukraine).

"It was stated that any discussion of a political and diplomatic settlement is impossible without the participation of Russia and taking into account its interests in the security sphere," the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs wrote.

In addition, Lavrov's office stated that "ultimatum demands" to Moscow and the "dialogue formats" proposed by Ukraine and Western countries "only harm the prospects of any settlement and cannot serve as its basis."

What preceded it

It was recently announced that China's special representative Li Hui will visit Ukraine, Poland, Germany, France, and Russia. His tour began on March 2nd.

Earlier, China's envoy had already visited Ukraine and Russia.

It is worth noting that China is trying to maintain a purported neutrality in Russia's war against Ukraine. However, Beijing has not condemned Moscow and continues economic cooperation with it. China has published its "peace plan" for Ukraine, but it has been criticized.

President Volodymyr Zelenskyy has also stated that China plays a significant role in the world, so Ukraine wants this country to be involved in the peace formula. Beijing has not agreed yet, but the Chinese authorities do not criticize the Ukrainian formula.