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Britain sends hundreds of air defense missiles to Ukraine after Russian shelling

Britain sends hundreds of air defense missiles to Ukraine after Russian shelling Grant Shapps (Photo: Getty Images)
Author: Daria Shekina

Britain announced urgent missile deliveries to Ukrainian air defense systems following Russia's massive missile strikes, reports Britain's Defense Minister Grant Shapps.

"The UK is moving rapidly to bolster Ukraine’s air defence, in the wake of Putin’s murderous air strikes," the statement reads.

According to him, hundreds of air defense missiles manufactured in Britain are being dispatched to provide Ukraine with everything necessary to protect against the barbaric bombings of Russian dictator Vladimir Putin.

"Putin is testing Ukraine’s defences and the West’s resolve - now is the time for the world to come together and redouble our efforts to get Ukraine what they need to win," the minister adds.

Missile strike on Ukraine on December 29

The enemy launched the most massive attack against Ukraine overnight. Initially, terrorists attacked Shaheds, launching a total of 36 UAVs. Additionally, during the attack, the enemy launched:

  • at least 90 air-launched cruise missiles X-101/X-555/X-55;
  • five air-launched hypersonic X-47M2 Kinzahls from the Astrakhan region;
  • four anti-radiation missiles X-31P;
  • one X-59; 14 guided anti-aircraft missiles S-300, targeting Kharkiv.

Overall, the enemy employed 158 air attack means: various types of missiles and strike UAVs. Air defense destroyed 114 aerial targets.

Over 30 targets were destroyed by air defense over Kyiv. In the capital, the attack caused fires in high-rise buildings and a warehouse. The rubble at the warehouse in the Shevchenko district continues to be cleared.

For more details on the massive attack and its aftermath, read our material.