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Britain must prepare for war in three years - UK Armed Forces head

Britain must prepare for war in three years - UK Armed Forces head Photo: Roly Walker, Commander of the British Armed Forces (Getty Images)
Author: Daryna Vialko

The British armed forces need to be ready for war in three years. Currently, there is a threat from four countries, including Russia, according to the head of the British Armed Forces, General Sir Roly Walker.

Walker predicted that Russian President Vladimir Putin will be “very, very dangerous” when he emerges from the war in Ukraine and will want "retribution" against Western countries that support Ukraine's defenders. This situation could arise regardless of whether Russia wins or loses.

"The point here is when you think they (the Russians - ed.) are down, they will come roaring back to get their vengeance," he said.

He also admitted China's invasion of Taiwan, spoke about Iran's intentions to develop nuclear weapons and recalled the threat from North Korea.

According to him, all four of the abovementioned countries are establishing relations with each other, exchanging weapons and technologies.

"That is why you get to this point by... 2027-2028 this convergence may have reached some sort of mutual singularity and your ability to deal with them in isolation - a specific crisis that can be managed by the rules based system - I think is significantly diminished," Walker said.

At the same time, he clarified that Britain is not on an inevitable path to war, but it urgently needs to "rebuild its ability to deter future wars".

What preceded it

NATO officials and generals have repeatedly stated that Russia could attack the Alliance. They shared their predictions about such a threat.

In particular, as noted today, July 23, by Bundeswehr Inspector General Carsten Breuer, Russia may be ready to attack NATO territory in 5-8 years. During this period, they are likely to gather a sufficient number of personnel and weapons.

At the same time, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy emphasized that Russia could attack NATO if Ukraine loses the war.