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German general predicts when Russia might be ready to attack NATO

German general predicts when Russia might be ready to attack NATO Photo: Russia may be preparing to attack NATO (Getty Images)
Author: Daryna Vialko

Russia could be ready to launch an attack on the North Atlantic Alliance within 5 to 8 years. In this timeframe, the Russians are likely to accumulate the necessary weapons and personnel, according to Bundeswehr Inspector General Carsten Breuer.

"We observe that the Russian army orients towards the West... In five to eight years, Moscow's armed forces will be equipped with the material base and personnel needed to attack NATO territory," Breuer noted.

According to the General, this assessment is based on his own analytical data, intelligence information, and the armed forces of Germany's allies, as well as statements by Russian President Vladimir Putin.

He mentioned that Russia adds 1,000 to 1,500 tanks to its arsenal each year.

"The five largest European NATO member countries have only half of that number in their arsenals," Breuer clarified.

The General pointed out that when these figures are combined with the intentions that can be tracked in Putin's speeches, "NATO countries should undoubtedly be alarmed".

Russia's threat to NATO

Breuer is not the first Western official to warn about the potential threat of a Russian attack.

German Defense Minister Boris Pistorius has warned that Russia could launch an attack on a NATO country as early as 2029.

Meanwhile, Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba believes that those who do not believe in the possibility of a Russian attack on NATO are fools.

For more detailed information on Russia's possible plans for aggression against NATO, see the material by RBC-Ukraine.