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Kursk operation successful, but did not affect situation in Pokrovsk direction - Ukraine's officer

Kursk operation successful, but did not affect situation in Pokrovsk direction - Ukraine's officer Photo: Maksym Zhorin, Deputy Commander of the 3rd Separate Assault Brigade (

The success of the Ukrainian Armed Forces' operation in the Kursk region did not have a significant impact on the current operational situation in the Donetsk region, particularly in the Pokrovsk direction. It remains the most challenging, as the fighting continues, this was stated in a comment to RBC-Ukraine's YouTube channel by Maksym Zhorin, 3d Assault Brigade Deputy Commander.

He shared information about the situation on the frontlines within his unit's area of responsibility. According to him, the brigade conducted successful local offensive actions, but the situation on other sections of the front remains extremely difficult.

Zhorin noted that the Pokrovsk, Toretsk, and New York directions remain particularly critical.

He mentioned that the possible withdrawal of Ukrainian forces from these directions is considered only as a last resort to save the lives of servicemen and to organize further actions. He also emphasized the importance of planning operations with the enemy's actions in mind, without allowing them to dictate the pace.

"War is never fought for territory, but to destroy the enemy. Once the enemy is gone from these territories, we will reclaim them," Zhorin stressed.

He emphasized that while the operation in the Kursk region was successful, it did not significantly impact the course of the fighting in the Donetsk region.

"I understand that it was probably planned that way, that people wanted to hear that they pulled their forces away from here... But the Russians almost didn't move their forces from here. They have enough reserves here: both in our direction and in the Pokrovsk direction," the serviceman noted.

According to him, the Kursk operation is successful "if we're talking about today," but he is uncertain how it is planned to conclude.

Currently, Pokrovsk remains the most challenging direction on the Donetsk front.

Notably, Russian troops accelerated their advance on Pokrovsk following the Ukrainian offensive in the Kursk region. It is known that enemy forces are now positioned 10-15 km from the town’s outskirts. Fighting for the town continues.

Local authorities are urging civilians to evacuate immediately. The area of mandatory evacuation has been expanded in the Pokrovsk community.

Operation in the Kursk region

The Ukrainian Armed Forces' operation in the Kursk region has been ongoing since August 6. During this time, Ukrainian troops have advanced 28 to 35 km into enemy defenses, seized 1,263 square kilometers of Russian territory, and taken control of 93 settlements.

It is noted that the operation’s success is primarily due to meticulous planning under heightened secrecy. The Russian authorities are now beginning to convince their citizens that the situation in the Kursk region is the "new normal."

For more details on the Kursk breakthrough, read the commentary by Viktor Kevliuk, an expert at the Center for Defense Strategies, for RBC-Ukraine.

Find out why the Russians are trying to capture Pokrovsk at any cost in our detailed material.