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Ukrainian Armed Forces officer on Kursk operation: Planning and secrecy led to success

Ukrainian Armed Forces officer on Kursk operation: Planning and secrecy led to success Photo: Sign Kursk (Getty Images)

The Kursk operation was planned for at least several months, possibly even half a year. Thanks to maintaining secrecy, no information about the preparations reached the enemy, according to a video story by an officer of the 80th Separate Air Assault Galician Brigade of the Air Assault Forces of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

He noted that the maximum number of command resources and support units were involved in the operation, along with thorough preparation of personnel and necessary equipment.

"Planning took place at the highest level, which yielded positive results thanks to secrecy, the absence of information leaks, and its inaccessibility in media resources," the airborne officer said.

According to him, this operation was primarily necessary to boost the morale of Ukrainian soldiers, which was achieved thanks to the success of the Kursk offensive.

He also explained that the actions of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in the Kursk region helped to reduce the pressure on the frontlines in the Donbas, Zaporizhzhia, Kherson, and Kharkiv regions. The serviceman added that this allowed Ukrainian forces engaged in combat in these directions to hold their ground more effectively.

"We can continue to give these 'bears' a good thrashing and strip their hide," he emphasized, commenting on the further capabilities of Ukrainian troops participating in the operation in the Kursk region.

Operation in the Kursk region

The operation in the Kursk region began on August 6 and is still ongoing. The Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, Oleksandr Syrskyi, stated that during this period, Ukrainian forces advanced 28 to 35 km into the enemy's defensive lines, seized 1,263 square kilometers of territory, and took control of 93 settlements.

Meanwhile, the Kremlin is trying to come to terms with the obvious failure. Russian media have started suggesting that the authorities want to present what is happening in the Kursk region as the "new normal."

To recap, details about the Kursk breakthrough, its goals, and objectives were explained by Viktor Kevliuk, an expert at the Center for Defense Strategies, to RBC-Ukraine.