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Commander-in-Chief of Ukrainian Armed Forces reveals factors influencing future actions in Kursk region

Commander-in-Chief of Ukrainian Armed Forces reveals factors influencing future actions in Kursk region Photo: Oleksandr Syrskyi, Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine (Getty Images)
Author: Daryna Vialko

Ukrainian defenders continue their operation in the Kursk region. Further actions will depend on the operational situation, stated the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine Oleksandr Syrskyi.

The General said that Ukraine launched the operation in the Kursk region to create a security zone and stop Russian shelling of the Sumy region, as well as to preempt enemy actions.

“During the offensive in the Kursk region, the Ukrainian Armed Forces advanced to the depth of the enemy's defense from 28 to 35 km, seized 1263 square kilometers of territory and took control of 93 settlements,” emphasized Syrskyi.

According to him, the Russian forces are trying to prevent further advancement of Ukrainian soldiers and are conducting maneuvering defense. At the same time, they are redeploying soldiers from other directions to the Kursk region.

“Further actions of our troops in this area will depend on the development of the operational situation,” the General said.

What preceded it

Ukraine is conducting an operation in the Kursk region. Such actions caught the Russian army by surprise, and it failed to defend the border and prevent a breakthrough.

Yesterday, on August 19, President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy said that Ukrainian soldiers controlled 92 settlements in the Kursk region. They achieved these results in just two weeks.

A large number of Russian soldiers were captured. In particular, in one day, the Security Service of Ukraine was able to capture more than 100 Russian soldiers, including members of the Akhmat unit.