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Ukrainian Armed Forces control 92 settlements in Kursk region - Zelenskyy

Ukrainian Armed Forces control 92 settlements in Kursk region - Zelenskyy Photo: President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy (Getty Images)
Author: Daryna Vialko

Ukrainian troops already control more than 1,250 square kilometers of territory and 92 settlements in the Kursk region, according to President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy.

"Ukrainian forces continue their defensive operation in designated areas of the Kursk region. As of today, our troops control more than 1,250 square kilometers of enemy territory and 92 settlements. We are strengthening our positions, stabilizing the designated areas, and replenishing the exchange fund for Ukraine," said Zelenskyy.

He noted that this operation has become Ukraine's largest investment in the process of freeing Ukrainians from Russian captivity.

"We have already captured the highest number of Russian prisoners in a single operation, and this is a significant achievement and one of our goals. Our actions continue," the President stated.

He added that it is not yet possible to publicly disclose which specific units are involved in the designated areas of the Kursk region.

"But I am grateful to each unit. I want to thank all of our heroes on behalf of all of us. Currently, the Russian border area opposite our Sumy region is largely cleared of the presence of the Russian army. This is also among the goals of our operation, tactical goals," Zelenskyy emphasized.

Ukrainian Armed Forces offensive in Kursk region

On August 6, Ukrainian troops launched an offensive in the Kursk region of Russia.

The purpose of the operation is to protect residents of Ukraine's border regions from Russian shelling and to create a buffer zone.

In particular, the Ukrainian Armed Forces took control of dozens of settlements. Among them is the town of Sudzha.

Read more about what is happening in the Kursk region as of August 19 in the material by RBC-Ukraine.