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Zelenskyy: Ukraine's victory plan more than 90% complete

Zelenskyy: Ukraine's victory plan more than 90% complete Photo: President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy (Getty Images)
Author: Daryna Vialko

The plan for Ukraine's victory in the war with Russia is more than 90% complete. It will be presented to the allies next week, stated Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy.

"Throughout the day, we held various meetings to prepare our Ukrainian victory plan. The real content of all items: military, political, diplomatic, and economic. Key individuals are involved in each area," Zelenskyy said.

According to him, the steps necessary for Ukraine are now clearly defined.

"What can give us the strongest positions for achieving peace—real, just peace (is outlined - ed). For each step, there is a detailed list of what exactly is needed and what will contribute to strengthening it. There is nothing impossible on the list. Everything is more than 90% detailed," the President explained.

He noted that this comprehensive package could ensure the correct development of the situation not only for Ukraine but also for everyone in the world who values international law.

"Next week, we will prepare the victory plan for presentation to our allies," Zelenskyy added.

Zelenskyy’s victory plan

Recently, President Volodymyr Zelenskyy announced that he plans to present Ukraine’s victory plan to US President Joe Biden in September. Later, he noted that this plan would reveal whether Ukraine’s allies are ready for Ukraine to win or if they merely aim to contain Vladimir Putin.

It is also known that Zelenskyy will present the plan not only to the current US President but also to two candidates—Donald Trump and Kamala Harris.

Deputy Head of the Presidential Office Mykhailo Podolyak highlighted some key points of the plan, including an operation in the Kursk region and economic and political issues.

In recent days, Zelenskyy has also revealed further details of the victory plan.