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Zelenskyy: Striking Russia with Western weapons without partners' approval is great risk

Zelenskyy: Striking Russia with Western weapons without partners' approval is great risk
Author: Daryna Vialko

Strikes by Western weapons on military objects on Russian territory without the permission of our partners are a big risk. After all, Ukraine may no longer receive assistance from its allies, stated President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy in an interview with AFP, Le Monde, L'Equipe, and Libération.

Zelenskyy once again criticized Western allies, accusing them of prohibiting the Ukrainian Armed Forces from freely using the provided weapons to strike military targets on Russian territory, from where the enemy army is shelling Ukraine.

"This is a big challenge, the fact that we cannot use Western weapons, as we need to stop the enemy," said the President.

He noted that he is "working very hard" to convince partners to allow the use of provided weapons as the Ukrainian army sees fit. However, according to Zelenskyy, partners are still afraid of escalation.

"What would you do in our place? For example, if you knew that 30 kilometers from the border, towards the Russian Federation, there are missile launchers. At 30, 60, 100 kilometers, there are planes that are bombing us. Or some MLRSs, etc., that are shooting at us. Or other weapons, S-300 systems, which they use from Belgorod, for example, knowing that we do not have the right to destroy them with weapons," the President emphasized.

At the same time, Zelenskyy ruled out the possibility of overcoming the Western veto to avoid jeopardizing future aid to Ukraine.

"We are racking our brains over what to do. Because if we use our partners' weapons without their consent, they might say: 'We will not give you anything more.' This is a risk," he explained.

Ukrainian strikes on Russian territory

Recently, President Volodymyr Zelenskyy once again urged the West to allow Ukraine to strike deep into Russian territory with the provided weapons. Specifically, for attacks on airfields from which Russia attacks Ukraine.

However, the United States has refused to permit Ukraine to use its long-range weapons to strike Russian territory.

German Chancellor Olaf Scholz also rejected Zelenskyy's request and dismissed the call to destroy Russian missiles and drones over Ukraine.

Meanwhile, Britain stated that it would not assist Ukraine in striking targets on Russian territory, but the country might permit the use of provided weapons for such attacks.