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Zelenskyy on rumors about negotiations with Russia: I have not granted any powers

Zelenskyy on rumors about negotiations with Russia: I have not granted any powers Photo: Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy (Vitalii Nosach, RBC-Ukraine)

For Ukraine to begin negotiations with Russia, the President needs to grant the appropriate powers. However, the President of Ukraine has not granted such powers, according to comments made by President Volodymyr Zelenskyy during a press conference in Kyiv.

Journalists noted that there is currently a lot of information circulating about negotiations with Russia. Moreover, this information is coming from countries Ukraine cooperates with, such as Qatar and Türkiye. In this context, the President was asked how serious these discussions are and when they might take place.

"To talk to the Russians, powers are needed, and I have not granted them to anyone," Zelenskyy said.

Additionally, the President emphasized that true peace should have no alternatives.

"No frozen occupations! No abandoned prisoners!" he stressed.

It should be noted that The Washington Post was the first to report on secret negotiations between Ukraine and Russia regarding a partial ceasefire.

According to sources from the news agency, the warring countries were set to hold indirect negotiations in Qatar on an agreement to cease strikes on energy infrastructure from both sides.

Earlier, Ukraine's Ambassador to India, Oleksandr Polishchuk, stated that, in his opinion, India should play a more active role in ending Russia's war against Ukraine.

Moreover, he noted that Kyiv wants India to be a mediator in negotiations with Russia.