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Zelenskyy on Harris: It's important that our joint work for just peace does not diminish

Zelenskyy on Harris: It's important that our joint work for just peace does not diminish Photo: President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy (Getty Images)
Author: Daryna Vialko

It is important for Ukraine to maintain the momentum of joint work with the United States for a just peace, according to President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy.

"Today, the head of the Office (of the President - ed.) Andriy Yermak spoke with Phil Gordon, the National Security Advisor to US Vice President Kamala Harris. It was at the Vice President's level that America participated in the first Peace Summit, and it is important that the momentum of our joint work for a just peace does not diminish,” Zelenskyy said.

The President emphasized that all partners of Ukraine at all levels know what the prospects are and that a just peace can be returned as soon as possible.

US elections

US President Joe Biden announced that he would not run for a second term. In his address, he offered Vice President Kamala Harris as the presidential candidate. Her candidacy was supported by all 50 chairs of the Democratic Party.

Read more about US presidential candidate Kamala Harris in the material by RBC-Ukraine.

According to experts, Ukraine will not support either Kamala Harris or Donald Trump in the US presidential elections to be held in the fall of 2024. The main thing for Ukraine is to maintain bipartisan support.