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Zelenskyy explains in detail to Blinken and Lammy why Ukraine needs to strike deep into Russia - Bloomberg

Zelenskyy explains in detail to Blinken and Lammy why Ukraine needs to strike deep into Russia - Bloomberg Visit of Antony Blinken and David Lammy to Kyiv (photo: screenshot from video

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy provided a detailed explanation to US Secretary of State Antony Blinken and UK Foreign Secretary David Lammy about why Ukraine needs to strike deeper into Russian territory. Zelenskyy emphasized that Ukraine is solely targeting military objectives, reports Bloomberg.

The joint visit of Blinken and Lammy to Kyiv aimed to hear President Zelenskyy's plan for deeper strikes into Russian territory and to discuss his long-term strategy for the coming year.

According to Bloomberg sources, the meeting between Blinken, Lammy, and Zelenskyy lasted longer than scheduled, with the Ukrainian president providing a detailed explanation of why Ukraine needs to target deeper into Russia. Zelenskyy informed them that Ukraine's focus is solely on military objectives. The parties also discussed Ukraine's plans for the coming months.

Results of Blinken and Lammy's visit to Kyiv

US Secretary of State Antony Blinken and UK Foreign Secretary David Lammy visited Ukraine, where many anticipated an announcement regarding authorization for Ukraine to use Western-supplied weapons to strike Russian territory. However, Blinken stated that the issue will be discussed between US President Joe Biden and UK Prime Minister Keir Starmer in Washington later this week.

Blinken announced that the US would provide financial support to Ukraine amounting to over $700 million. Lammy revealed a new aid package for Ukraine worth over $780 million.