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Zelenskyy discusses use of frozen Russian assets with European Council President

Zelenskyy discusses use of frozen Russian assets with European Council President Photo: President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy and President of the European Council Charles Michel (

During his visit to New York, President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy met with President of the European Council Charles Michel. They discussed, among other topics, the use of frozen Russian assets, according to the head of the Ukrainian state on Facebook and the press service of the Office of the President of Ukraine.

The Ukrainian leader thanked Michel for his efforts and leadership position in supporting Ukraine.

"I think that with your support, our path to the EU will be faster. There will be challenges. But in any case, we see this light in the near future," Zelenskyy noted.

The main topic of the meeting was the steps needed to utilize the revenues from frozen Russian assets for Ukraine's needs.

The President expressed gratitude for the first tranche of €1.5 billion received from the revenues of Russian assets.

Additionally, during the meeting, the parties discussed the situation at the front, military needs, measures to strengthen Ukraine's defense capabilities, and the implementation of joint commitments in the field of security.

Special attention was given to further sanctions against Russia and blocking the circumvention of these sanctions.

What preceded this

Earlier, the European Commission announced a loan for Ukraine amounting to €35 billion, which will be repaid using the profits from frozen Russian assets.

According to President Zelenskyy, the funds will primarily be directed toward the energy sector and defense.

Additionally, part of this money is planned to be used for constructing bomb shelters for children in kindergartens and schools.