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Zelenskyy discusses joint drone production with President of Finland

Zelenskyy discusses joint drone production with President of Finland Photo: President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy meeting with President of Finland Alexander Stubb (
Author: Bohdan Babaiev

President Volodymyr Zelenskyy met with the President of Finland Alexander Stubb in New York. The main topics of their meeting were the situation on the battlefield, Ukraine’s defense needs, and international cooperation, according to the Presidential Office of Ukraine.

In his conversation with Stubb, Zelenskyy emphasized that Ukraine requires air defense systems, particularly man-portable air defense systems (MANPADS).

He briefed his counterpart on the current status of the agreements reached during the NATO summit in Washington.

The meeting included discussions on Ukrainian-Finnish defense cooperation, with particular attention given to joint drone production and the exchange of expertise in this area.

Zelenskyy stressed the importance for Ukraine of receiving both authorization and means from its partners to strike deep into Russian territory.

The leaders also discussed the international efforts required to achieve a lasting and just peace for Ukraine, as well as the role of the Global South in this process.

Earlier, Zelenskyy stated that Ukraine had begun producing long-range drones and is working on a missile program, but noted that investment is necessary to advance these efforts.