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Zelenskyy: Ukraine needs investments for mass production of long-range drones and missiles

Zelenskyy: Ukraine needs investments for mass production of long-range drones and missiles Photo: President Volodymyr Zelenskyy (

Ukraine has started producing long-range drones and is working on a missile program. However, investments are needed to support these efforts, according to the President Volodymyr Zelenskyy during a briefing with Dutch Prime Minister Dick Schoof.

According to Zelenskyy, one of the topics during the conversation with Schoof was whether Ukrainian weapons could compensate for the lack of authorization from certain countries to strike territory within the Russian Federation.

"We have begun producing our long-range drones and have also started working on an effective missile program. However, today we need funds to invest in our production. We are working on securing the necessary funding," the president stated.

He noted that the country currently lacks the funds for mass production. Nevertheless, Ukraine is already producing a very large number of long-range drones, and to stay ahead of Russia, even more and faster production is needed.


One of the most pressing issues for Ukraine at the moment is obtaining permission from partner countries to strike Russian territory using their weapons. While several countries have stated that Ukraine can independently use the weapons provided to them, the United States, the United Kingdom, and Italy have set their own restrictions.

Specifically, the United States allows the Ukrainian Armed Forces to use American weapons only for defensive strikes on border areas.

According to Czech Foreign Minister Jan Lipavský, his country intends to work with allies to allow Ukraine to use its weapons for attacks on Russian territory.

For a detailed analysis of how permission for Ukraine to strike Russia could affect the situation on the front lines, read the full article on RBC-Ukraine.