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Zaporizhzhia direction remains challenging, but Russia has no significant advance - Ukrainian Armed Forces

Zaporizhzhia direction remains challenging, but Russia has no significant advance - Ukrainian Armed Forces Photo: Ukrainian military (Getty Images)
Author: Daryna Vialko

The situation in the Zaporizhzhia direction remains difficult, with the enemy continuing to assault Ukrainian positions. However, the Russian forces have not had much success in this area of the front, according to the spokesperson for the Defense Forces of southern Ukraine Vladyslav Voloshyn.

"This area of combat is quite complex. Earlier, we reported that assault groups were gathering there. For several days, the enemy has been conducting assault operations, trying to take up our positions," Voloshyn said.

At the same time, he noted that the Russian forces have not achieved significant success in this direction.

"The situation is quite dynamic and constantly changing, with the configuration of the front line shifting in one direction or another. The enemy has not launched a major offensive or achieved any significant success in this direction," the spokesperson stated.

Situation in the Zaporizhzhia direction

Earlier, the Ukrainian Armed Forces reported that Russian troops are preparing to intensify their assault actions in the Zaporizhzhia direction. In particular, they are gathering personnel and vehicles.

Meanwhile, Ivan Tymochko, head of the Council of Reserve Officers of the Ground Forces, noted that Russian forces might attempt to restore offensive operations in the Zaporizhzhia direction. However, the enemy's ability to strengthen their forces in this area of the front is unlikely at the moment.