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'We’ve got a pretty clear choice,' Bill Clinton encourages the crowd at DNC

'We’ve got a pretty clear choice,' Bill Clinton encourages the crowd at DNC Photo: Bill Clinton delivering his speech at DNC 2024 (Getty Images)
Author: RBC Ukraine

The 42nd President of the United States, Bill Clinton, delivered a speech at the Democratic National Convention's day 3, where he spoke about the "clear choice" in the upcoming election. He mocked Donald Trump, calling him a self-interested man who doesn't care about the everyday problems of Americans, citing NBC News.

In his speech, Clinton highlighted the difference between Trump's obsession with the size of the crowds at his rallies and Harris's focus on improving the lives of ordinary Americans.

According to him, Harris is truly a presidential candidate "for the people," while "The other guy is about me, myself and I."

The former US president believes that choosing Harris and Walz would be a true "breath of fresh air" for Americans.

"You'll be proud of it for the rest of your life. Your children will be proud of it. Your grandchildren will be proud of it," Clinton said, adding that he will do his part.

After Clinton's speech, Trump's campaign spokesperson, Steven Cheung, issued a statement harshly criticizing the 42nd US president.

"Bill Clinton is a total loser who is desperately clinging onto whatever spotlight he can get because nobody cares what he has to say. The sad reality is that he, along with Crooked Hillary, suffers from Trump Derangement Syndrome and has let it rot his brain to the point that he is a shell of a shell of a person he once was," Cheung noted in his statement.

Democratic National Convention

The Democratic National Convention is taking place in Chicago and will run from August 19 to 22. Delegates will officially confirm their party’s candidates for the positions of President and Vice President. They will be the current US Vice President Kamala Harris and Minnesota Governor Tim Walz.

On the first day of the convention, the current US President Joe Biden urged Americans to vote for Harris. That same day, Hillary Clinton, also took the stage. She supported Harris and publicly mocked Trump.

On the second day of the convention, the 44th US President Barack Obama and his wife Michelle Obama delivered keynote addresses, in which endorsed Harris and urged Americans to participate more actively in the elections.