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Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine urges EU to initiate accession talks

Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine urges EU to initiate accession talks Photo: The Verkhovna Rada called on the EU to start accession negotiations with Ukraine (Vitalii Nosach, RBC-Ukraine)

The Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine has reached out to the European Union concerning Ukraine's prospective accession. Members of parliament are urging Brussels to give the "green light" for accession negotiations at the upcoming summit on December 15, states the parliament's website and people's deputy Yaroslav Zheleznyak on Telegram.

During today's session, the Council endorsed Resolution No. 10315, appealing to EU member states and European Union institutions to support the initiation of negotiations on Ukraine's accession to the European Union.

With the backing of 292 members of parliament, the Council has reached out to the parliaments, governments of EU countries, and EU bodies, urging them to commence accession negotiations with Ukraine.

The resolution emphasizes, "Support Ukraine's aspirations to join the European Union by adopting a decision to open negotiations on Ukraine's membership in the European Union during the meeting of the European Council on December 15, 2023, in accordance with Article 49 of the Treaty on European Union."

The "green light" for Ukraine

It's worth noting that on November 8, the European Commission recommended to the EU Council to initiate accession negotiations with Ukraine. According to Ursula von der Leyen, Ukraine has successfully completed 90% of the expected reforms. However, continued reforms are essential.

Despite this, Hungary has expressed opposition to the EU starting accession negotiations with Ukraine. Prime Minister Viktor Orban's party has submitted a resolution to the parliament against such negotiations.

The leaders of the European Union are set to convene on December 14-15 to discuss the integration prospects of Ukraine, Moldova, and Georgia. According to mass media, Hungary will block everything related to the support of Ukraine. Therefore, the summit may be delayed.

For more details on why Hungary opposes Ukraine's EU entry and Orban's objectives, you can read the full article.