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Top official on checks of medical certificates - We can talk about tens of thousands of people

Top official on checks of medical certificates - We can talk about tens of thousands of people Photo: Fedir Venislavskyi (Vitalii Nosach, RBC-Ukraine)

Buying fake certificates of unfitness for military service is a crime. Law enforcement officers may have to check thousands of certificates issued by military medical commissions since February 2022, according to the President's representative in the Verkhovna Rada, member of the Parliamentary Committee on Security and Defense Fedir Venislavskyi during a telethon.

"These two components (the activities of recruitment centers and military medical commissions - ed.) of mobilization activities in Ukraine, or rather the violations that accompany these two components, are becoming a threat to national security," he said.

Venislavskyi emphasized that Ukrainians who try to avoid mobilization by purchasing fake documents, in particular, certificates of military medical commissions on their unfitness to serve in the army, are participating in a crime.

"I think that we can talk about tens of thousands of people who were found unfit for military service. Of course, we cannot say that everyone was unreasonably declared unfit, but a significant part of them are citizens who tried to avoid conscription through corruption schemes," the top official noted.

The decision of the military medical commission will be checked

President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy chaired a meeting of the National Security and Defense Council, the main topic of which was military medical commissions.

At the meeting, it was decided to check the certificates of disability and unfitness for military service issued by military medical commissions during the full-scale aggression. In particular, those who left Ukraine on the basis of these documents will also be checked.

In addition, Ukraine plans to digitize the MMC to prevent corruption and simplify the procedure for passing the commission.