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US State Department reacts to rumors about Iran's plans to transfer Fath 360 missiles to Russia

US State Department reacts to rumors about Iran's plans to transfer Fath 360 missiles to Russia Photo: Vedant Patel, US Deputy State Department Spokesperson (Getty Images)

The US is concerned about rumors that Iran plans to provide Russia with short-range ballistic missiles, the Fath 360, states US Deputy State Department Spokesperson Vedant Patel.

He noted that the information about potential Iranian missile supplies to Russia causes "deep concern" in the US.

Patel also added that the implementation of such plans by Iran would signify a sharp escalation.

What Preceded

On Friday, August 9, Reuters, citing sources in European intelligence, reported that Russia might soon receive hundreds of Fath 360 ballistic missiles from Iran.

This type of weaponry can destroy targets at a distance of up to 120 kilometers.

According to the report, dozens of Russian soldiers are already undergoing training in Iran on how to operate these missiles.

The supply agreement between Iran and Russia is reportedly from the end of last year, although this has not been officially confirmed.

There is no official confirmation of the rumors about the transfer of Iranian missiles to Russia at this time.