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US Special Representative for Ukraine's Economic Recovery stepping down from her position

US Special Representative for Ukraine's Economic Recovery stepping down from her position Photo: US Special Representative for Ukraine's Economic Recovery Penny Pritzker (Getty Images)

US Special Representative for Ukraine's Economic Recovery Penny Pritzker is stepping down. Her term will end in September.

Penny Pritzker shared this information with journalists in Kyiv, reports RBC-Ukraine correspondent.

"Finally, I say this with some sadness in my heart, it's never been a secret that congressional requirements limit my time in this role to one year, which is why this will be my last trip to Kyiv as Special Representative. But I remain committed to this mission," Pritzker said.

At the same time, the US Special Representative assured that after her departure, the American administration would continue to work on the reconstruction of Ukraine.

"I'm not the only one who's committed here, but the Biden administration's commitment to Ukraine's economic recovery will not only continue, but is continuing to evolve as dictated," she emphasized.

As Pritzker noted, in less than a year since her appointment, this has been her sixth trip to Ukraine.

Today, July 29, US Special Representative for Ukraine's Economic Recovery Penny Pritzker arrived in Kyiv for a working visit.

She has already held talks with Ukrainian Prime Minister Denys Shmyhal. One of the topics of discussion was American financial aid to Ukraine.