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Ukraine may receive $3.9 billion from US in coming weeks

Ukraine may receive $3.9 billion from US in coming weeks Photo: US Special Representative for Ukraine's Economic Recovery Penny Pritzker and Prime Minister of Ukraine Denys Shmyhal (
Author: Daryna Vialko

Prime Minister of Ukraine Denys Shmyhal held talks with US Special Representative for Ukraine's Economic Recovery Penny Pritzker. One of the topics of discussion was American financial assistance to Ukraine, according to the Prime Minister's Telegram channel.

He mentioned that he thanked the US for supporting the G7 decision to grant a $50 billion loan to Ukraine. According to the Prime Minister, it is important for Ukraine that the funds are available from 2025 to be used for critical needs, including the military.

The parties also discussed the operation of the multi-donor coordination platform. It is currently important for Ukraine to fund budgetary expenditures, recovery projects, and energy support.

"Ukraine is grateful for the $7.85 billion in direct budget support expected from the US this year. We expect the first $3.9 billion in the coming week," Shmyhal added.

He noted that a systematic approach to funding economic recovery projects is now being implemented. In particular, the first meeting of the Strategic Investment Council under the Government of Ukraine was held.

"We plan to approve the list of public investment projects for 2025 within two months and share it with our partners," the head of the Ukrainian government clarified.

What preceded it

On July 23, it was announced that the Ukrainian government had approved a decision that would allow Ukraine to receive a $3.9 billion grant from the US.

At that time, Shmyhal noted that the funds would be used to pay salaries to rescuers, teachers, doctors, and social support programs.