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US ready to take action against Iran over potential missile supply to Russia

US ready to take action against Iran over potential missile supply to Russia Photo: Principal Deputy Spokesperson for the US Department of State (Getty Images)
Author: Daryna Vialko

The United States and its partners are prepared to take serious measures against Iran due to its potential supply of short-range ballistic missiles to Russia, stated Vedant Patel, Principal Deputy Spokesperson for the US Department of State.

Commenting on the information about Iran's supply of missiles to Russia, Patel said that the United States is very concerned about this information and has made it clear that it is ready to take actions that could lead to serious consequences.

At the same time, he did not specify what kind of measures he was talking about.

What preceded

The Wall Street Journal reported that Russia received short-range ballistic missiles from Iran.

Iran at the UN denied the transfer of missiles to Russia. However, later Iranian MP Ahmad Bakhshayesh Ardestani confirmed that Tehran transferred missiles to Russia. He noted that it was part of a barter deal. Another part of the deal is the delivery of drones.

The EU said today that it received intelligence data confirming Iran's supply of ballistic missiles to Russia.