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US allies seek to contact Putin ahead of G20 meeting in Brazil - Bloomberg

US allies seek to contact Putin ahead of G20 meeting in Brazil - Bloomberg Photo: Ukraine's allies want to contact Putin before the G20 meeting in Brazil (Getty Images)
Author: Daryna Vialko

Ukraine's allies are discussing the possibility of contacting Vladimir Putin ahead of the G20 meeting scheduled for November in Brazil, according to Bloomberg.

According to sources cited by the agency, allies are discussing the possibility of contacting Putin directly before the G20 meeting in Brazil, as there are no signs that the Kremlin plans to retreat in the war against Ukraine.

A Bloomberg contact stated that Western allies of Ukraine are attempting to lower expectations regarding the victory plan presented by President Volodymyr Zelenskyy in the US They believe it will not yield a breakthrough in the war with Russia.

Specifically, according to a source familiar with Zelenskyy's discussions with foreign leaders, the President's victory plan did not include any real surprises and did not radically change the situation. Another official described the plan as a "wish list."

One ally believes it is time for a new round of negotiations with Putin. According to two officials, contact with the Russian President could be established by Zelenskyy or one of the partners.

Additionally, as Bloomberg notes, American officials are trying to temper expectations regarding the approval of Kyiv's request to use American long-range missiles to strike targets within Russian territory.

Zelenskyy's victory plan

Recently, President Volodymyr Zelenskyy announced a plan for Ukraine's victory in the war against Russia.

Zelenskyy is set to meet with US President Joe Biden this week on the sidelines of the United Nations General Assembly, where he will present the victory plan. It includes quick solutions from October to December.

Later, according to the President, the plan will be available to all countries. Russia should also see it.