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Ukrainian top official on 'Peace Formula': Another two 'Peace Summits' planned for fall

Ukrainian top official on 'Peace Formula': Another two 'Peace Summits' planned for fall Ukraine's President Volodymyr Zelenskyy and Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman during the Arab League summit in Jeddah (Photo: Getty Images)

Ukraine plans to hold two "Peace Summits" in the future, during one of which they are expected to adopt the "Peace Formula." The second summit is intended to formalize the end of the war, according to the Head of the Office of the President, Andriy Yermak, during a meeting with journalists.

Upcoming peace summits

The President's Office hopes to hold two summits regarding the "Peace Formula." One of them is planned to be held at the level of state leaders already this fall.

Yermak explains that an inaugural summit is expected, during which participants will adopt the Ukrainian peace plan as the basis, enabling separate actions and conferences for each point of the "Peace Formula."

Furthermore,the President's Office hopes and considers it feasible to hold a summit at the level of state leaders this autumn. According to the Head of the President's Office, Ukraine anticipates that the number of participating countries could increase to 60 by the next meeting. In particular, three more African countries intend to join.

The second summit is intended to formalize the end of the war. An international document is expected to be adopted during this summit.

Details of the Jeddah meeting

"Representatives from 42 countries participated in the meeting regarding the Ukrainian 'Peace Formula.' All participants of the event are fully committed to and respect Ukraine's territorial integrity and sovereignty. This assertion was echoed in the statements of all present countries," the statement reads.

Yermak also explains that many of them articulated support for the internationally recognized borders of 1991. Within these negotiations, no other peace initiatives are being considered except for the one proposed by Ukraine.

Russian troop withdrawal from Ukrainian territory is a mandatory condition

Yermak also dismisses as fake news the information circulated by certain media outlets that Ukraine supposedly agreed during negotiations in Saudi Arabia to discuss peace with Russia without requiring the mandatory condition of troop withdrawal from all Ukrainian territory.

Deputy Head of the Presidential Office, Ihor Zhovkva, emphasizes that Ukraine's position is that the withdrawal of Russian troops is a necessary condition for any peaceful settlement. According to him, this position was also expressed by other participants in the Jeddah meeting. The Global South countries and China did not object to Ukraine's stance.

"It's unclear where this information came from," Yermak added.

"Peace Formula" in terms of security guarantees for Ukraine

He also reminds that Ukraine is already working on implementing the peace formula, particularly concerning security guarantees. According to Yermak, the first bilateral agreements with individual countries could emerge by the end of this year.

The United States was the first country with which Ukraine initiated negotiations regarding security guarantees.

Summit in Saudi Arabia

During the two-day meeting in Saudi Arabia on August 5-6, the main topic was the Ukrainian "peace formula." The first to report on the meeting was The Wall Street Journal. Subsequently, this information was confirmed by the President's Office.

Representatives from over 40 countries were invited to the summit, including India, Brazil, Indonesia, Egypt, Mexico, and China.

Following the summit, Andriy Yermak, the Head of the Presidential Office, stated that some representatives held different views, but all countries demonstrated dedication to the principles of the UN Charter, international law, and respect for the sovereignty and territorial integrity of states.