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Ukrainian serviceman on situation in Pokrovsk direction: After certain pause, Russia intensifies

Ukrainian serviceman on situation in Pokrovsk direction: After certain pause, Russia intensifies Photo: Yevhen Ievlev (

For a period of time, Russian troops had paused their attempts to storm the Pokrovsk direction. However, over the past two days, there has been a noticeable increase in activity, reports Ukrainian Armed Forces serviceman Yevhen Ievlev in a comment to RBC-Ukraine.

According to him, the situation in the Pokrovsk direction is quite complex. There was indeed a noticeable pause over the past five days.

"We had high hopes that this was due to the enemy being on their last legs. But it can be said that over the last two days, there has been some activation. There are also certain issues on the approaches from Novohrodivka to the village of Lysivka. The guys are holding on as best they can," Ievlev said.

He noted that FPV crews are operating in this direction and are effectively targeting enemy equipment.

"So, while it is being held back to some extent, the situation there is indeed quite complex. Fighting is also ongoing in Selydove and on the approaches to Myrnohrad, and in Hrodivka, the enemy has made some advances over the past two days. Despite the significant destruction of their equipment, the enemy has a slight advantage in terms of personnel and no shortage of ammunition," the serviceman said.

In his opinion, what was previously considered a lull was likely a regrouping. However, he believes that the fact that Ukrainian forces have managed to occupy positions where they can confront the enemy "head-on" has had an impact.

"Many people react negatively when they hear the phrase 'had to retreat.' Retreating means understanding that you have nothing to hold on to; you cannot simply stand and take bullets and mines with your bodies. Defense also needs to be conducted from rational positions, considering military science," Ievlev stated.

He believes that this has led to a decrease in the effectiveness of the Russian assaults, although their number remains quite significant.

Situation in the Pokrovsk direction

In recent months, the Russian forces have been most active in the Pokrovsk direction. As stated by the Commander-in-Chief of the Ukrainian Armed Forces, Oleksandr Syrskyi, the advance of the Russian army near Pokrovsk has halted in recent days.

"In the past six days, the enemy has not advanced a single meter in the Pokrovsk direction. In other words, our strategy is working," he said.

For more details on the situation in the Pokrovsk direction, see the RBC-Ukraine material Autumn at front: Russians stuck in Pokrovsk, offensive capacity to last 2-3 weeks.