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Ukraine's Commander-in-Chief: Russian advance towards Pokrovsk halted

Ukraine's Commander-in-Chief: Russian advance towards Pokrovsk halted Photo: Oleksandr Syrskyi (
Author: Daryna Vialko

The advance of the Russian army near Pokrovsk has stopped in recent days. Ukraine had been subjected to significant terror from the Russian forces there, stated the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine Oleksandr Syrskyi.

According to him, the Pokrovsk direction was the epicenter of the war in eastern Ukraine.

“Over the last six days, the enemy hasn’t advanced a single meter in the Pokrovsk direction. In other words, our strategy is working,” he said.

He noted that Ukraine was able to deprive the Russian forces of the ability to maneuver and deploy their reinforcement forces from other directions.

"This weakening has definitely been felt in other areas. We note the amount of artillery shelling as well as the intensity of the offensive have decreased,” he said.

Situation in the Pokrovsk direction

The Pokrovsk direction is one of the hottest on the frontline. In particular, the Russian forces are 11 kilometers away from Pokrovsk. Because of this, a forced evacuation of civilians was announced there.

According to Syrskyi, Russian troops are actively using their superiority in manpower and military equipment there. The General Staff reports that dozens of clashes occur there daily, and Russia loses a large number of soldiers.

Recently, President Volodymyr Zelenskyy said that the Armed Forces would further strengthen the Pokrovsk direction.

According to military expert Oleksii Hetman, unlike other frontline directions, the terrain near Pokrovsk is favorable for the offensive of the Russian army.