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Terrain near Pokrovsk facilitates Russian offensive - Expert

Terrain near Pokrovsk facilitates Russian offensive - Expert Photo: Ukrainian forces (Getty Images)
Author: Bohdan Babaiev
Expert: Oleksii Hetman

Unlike other areas of the front, the terrain near Pokrovsk favors the offensive actions of Russian troops, states military expert Oleksii Hetman in a comment to RBC-Ukraine's YouTube channel.

“The explanation is straightforward (as to why Russia is actively advancing in the Pokrovsk direction). The terrain near Pokrovsk is most conducive to offensive actions and least suitable for defense,” Hetman said.

According to him, in the Toretsk direction and around Chasiv Yar, the terrain, on the other hand, supports Ukrainian forces.

“There, the enemy deploys as many forces as they do in the Pokrovsk direction, where the terrain facilitates more successful offensive actions than in other locations. The pressure is the same,” the expert added.

The situation in the Pokrovsk direction

Russian forces continue their advance in the Pokrovsk direction of the Donetsk region. This direction is currently the most challenging section of the front.

It was previously reported that Russian troops are positioned just 11 kilometers from Pokrovsk.

According to Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, Oleksandr Syrskyi, Russian troops are actively leveraging their advantage in personnel and military equipment, including artillery and aviation, in the Pokrovsk direction. Over 50 combat clashes occur daily in this area.

Recently, President Volodymyr Zelenskyy announced that the Ukrainian Armed Forces would reinforce the Pokrovsk direction due to the worsening situation on this front line.