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Ukrainian Intelligence announces good news thanks to Magura surface drones

Ukrainian Intelligence announces good news thanks to Magura surface drones Photo: Magura drones (Vitalii Nosach, RBC-Ukraine)
Author: Daryna Vialko

The Russian military is now deploying fewer ships into the open waters of the Black Sea. This became possible thanks to the Ukrainian Magura surface drone, according to the representative of the Defence Intelligence of Ukraine Yevhen Yerin.

According to him, thanks to the drones, the activity of the Russian forces in the open sea has decreased.

"As for the lack of good news, let's just say - watch, observe, and I think you will soon see something pleasant with Magura's participation," Yerin said.

What is known about the Magura drones

Magura V5 (Maritime Autonomous Guard Unmanned Robotic Apparatus) is a Ukrainian surface drone. It is used both for reconnaissance and for destroying enemy targets. This drone is actively used by the Defense Intelligence of Ukraine, particularly by the special unit Group13.

Previously, the Ministry of Defense reported that when selecting a target for Magura, any objects within a radius of 800 kilometers are considered. The Defense Intelligence of Ukraine also confirmed that the sea drones are equipped with R-73 missiles, which have already proven their effectiveness.

For more details about this maritime drone, read the material by RBC-Ukraine "Magura V5. Ukrainian surface drone sinking Russian fleet: Features and details".