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Ukrainian Foreign Ministry responds to Russian claims of attack on Kursk NPP

Ukrainian Foreign Ministry responds to Russian claims of attack on Kursk NPP Photo: Heorhii Tykhyi, spokesman for the Ukrainian Foreign Ministry (Vitaliy Nosach, RBC-Ukraine)
Author: Daryna Vialko

Ukraine did not attack the Kursk Nuclear Power Plant or facilities near the station. The information from the Russian media is false, stated Heorhii Tykhyi, spokesperson for the Ukrainian Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

"We categorically deny the claims made by Russian media about Ukrainian strikes on the Kursk Nuclear Power Plant or in its vicinity," Tykhyi emphasized.

He reminded that, unlike the Russian forces, Ukrainian defenders adhere to international humanitarian law. They do not strike civilians or civilian infrastructure.


It’s important to note that today, October 3, Russian propaganda channels and officials began spreading information about an "attack by Ukrainian forces on the Kursk Nuclear Power Plant."

Notably, there was no consensus among the Russian sources regarding the fake narrative - Kursk region governor Alexey Smirnov spoke of a drone attack, while propagandists claimed it was an airstrike with a bomb.

Andriy Kovalеnko, head of the Center for Countering Disinformation, emphasized that Ukrainian defenders did not strike the Kursk Nuclear Power Plant, stating that there was no reason to do so.

He pointed out that as evidence, the Russians published videos of a fire in the city of Kurchatov, which has nothing to do with the attack on the NPP.