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Ukrainian drones attack ammunition depot in Russia's Voronezh region, sources

Ukrainian drones attack ammunition depot in Russia's Voronezh region, sources Illustrative photo: SSU drones attacked an ammunition depot in Voronezh region (Getty Images)

On the night of September 7, drones from Ukraine's Security Service (SSU) targeted an ammunition and equipment depot in Russia's Voronezh region, causing ongoing explosions, according to RBC-Ukraine sources.

SSU drones hit a large ammunition and equipment warehouse in the village of Soldatskoye, Voronezh region. The depot was reportedly used by Russian forces to supply equipment to Ukraine.

The attack caused four major fires, and explosions continued to erupt at the site.

Local authorities have initiated an emergency evacuation of residents from nearby areas.

“The SSU continues systematic efforts to create a demilitarized zone in Russian regions bordering Ukraine. Military air bases, ammunition depots, and infrastructure supporting the war in Ukraine are legitimate targets,” the source said.


Earlier that night, Russians reported a drone attack in the Voronezh region. The local governor claimed that debris from a downed drone caused a fire, which spread to explosive materials.

Detonations began at the scene, and videos of the incident were shared online. Russian authorities announced evacuations near the affected area.

Later, the governor declared a state of emergency due to the ongoing explosions.