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Fire and explosion occurred at ammunition depot due to drone attack in Russia

Fire and explosion occurred at ammunition depot due to drone attack in Russia In the Voronezh region, ammunition depots are exploding due to a drone attack (photo: Getty Images)

In the Voronezh region of Russia, debris from a drone fell onto an ammunition storage facility. This led to a fire and subsequent explosions at the site, according to Alexander Gusev, the Governor of Voronezh region.

According to him, in the Ostrogozhsky district, air defense and electronic warfare units detected and neutralized a drone.

"Preliminary reports indicate there are no casualties. The drone's impact caused a fire that spread to explosive materials, leading to detonations," the governor wrote.

Gusev added that residents of one village have been temporarily evacuated to a neighboring settlement. Emergency services and local administrative representatives are working at the scene.

Local sources report that the fire at the storage facility has been burning for about two hours.

Shelling and fires in Russia

In recent months, Russian territory has been frequently attacked by strike drones nearly every night. These attacks have targeted military facilities, infrastructure, oil refineries, and oil depots. The impacts or debris from downed drones have caused large-scale fires at the sites of the hits.

For instance, on the night of August 11, explosions were reported in Voronezh. Official sources indicate that drone fragments damaged a local administrative building and a municipal facility.

Additionally, a significant fire recently broke out at the Russian factory Plastik in the Tula region.

On the night of September 1, drones targeted the Moscow refinery in the Kapotnya area, resulting in a fire at the facility.

For details on the most successful operations of the Ukrainian Defense Intelligence against Russia, read the article by RBC-Ukraine.