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Voronezh attacked by drones: Administrative building and municipal facility damaged

Voronezh attacked by drones: Administrative building and municipal facility damaged Illustrative photo (Getty Images)

Around 2:30, explosions were heard in the sky over Voronezh, Russia. Local authorities reported damage to an administrative building and a municipal facility, allegedly caused by debris from a UAV, according to Russian media sources.

Governor of Voronezh Region, Gusev, reported that more than 10 drones were shot down in the region.

"Due to the debris from UAVs falling in Voronezh, damage to an administrative building and a municipal facility has been recorded. According to preliminary information, there are no casualties," he said.

Additionally, during the night of August 11, explosions were heard in Kursk, Russia. Local authorities reported that air defense systems were activated, resulting in a missile hitting a residential 9-story building and causing a fire. The Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations (MChS) stated that 15 people were rescued, and 30 evacuated. The building's load-bearing structures were not damaged. According to the governor, 13 people were injured, 2 of whom are in critical condition.