ua en ru

Explosions heard in Kursk

Explosions heard in Kursk Consequences of air defense operations in Kursk (photo:

Explosions were heard in the Russian city of Kursk. Local authorities reported that the incidents were caused by air defense operations, which resulted in a fire in a residential building, according to Russian media and Kursk region Governor Alexei Smirnov.

Before this, Smirnov had reported a missile threat in the region.

He later stated that a Ukrainian missile was allegedly shot down and fell onto a residential building in the city, causing a fire. All emergency services have been dispatched to the scene.

According to Baza, seven ambulances have arrived at the site of the strike in Kursk. Vehicles are burning in the yard of the building where the downed missile landed.

The channel reports that 30 people have been evacuated, with five requiring medical assistance. There is currently no information on casualties. The facade of the building from the 1st to the 9th floor has been destroyed.

Russian Telegram channels have published videos of the moment of impact and the aftermath of the air defense operation.

The Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations reported that 15 people have been rescued and 30 evacuated from the building where the fire occurred. The building's load-bearing structures were not damaged.

It should be noted that since August 6, Ukrainian forces have been conducting operations in the Kursk region of Russia.

Until August 10, Ukrainian authorities had not commented on the fighting within Russia, which has resulted in the capture of several settlements and the destruction and capture of several Russian soldiers. On Saturday evening, President Volodymyr Zelenskyy stated that Ukraine is pushing the war onto the territory of Russia.