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Ukrainian border guards on Lukashenko’s remarks: No change at Belarus border

Ukrainian border guards on Lukashenko’s remarks: No change at Belarus border Photo: spokesman of the State Border Service of Ukraine Andriy Demchenko (mediacenter org ua)

The situation on the border between Ukraine and Belarus has not changed. Ukrainian border guards have not observed any movement of equipment or troops, informs Andrii Demchenko, spokesperson for the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine, in a comment to RBC-Ukraine.

"The situation on the border with the Republic of Belarus remains unchanged. We have not observed any increase in Belarusian military equipment or personnel near our border," he said.

It is worth noting that today, August 18, Belarusian leader Alexander Lukashenko claimed that "a third of Belarus's army" has been moved to the border with Ukraine.

The self-proclaimed president also accused Ukraine of allegedly aggressive policies and concentrating forces near the Belarusian border, stating that this involves over 120,000 Ukrainian troops.


A week ago, Belarusian leader Alexander Lukashenko accused Ukraine of violating Belarusian airspace, claiming that Ukrainian drones had entered Belarus and were destroyed by air defense systems.

Lukashenko stated that Belarus would respond to these provocations. Subsequently, he ordered the deployment of troops and equipment, including the Polonez multiple launch rocket systems and Iskander missile complexes, to the border regions of Gomel and Mozyr.

Meanwhile, Ukrainian border guards have emphasized that they have not recorded any changes at the border with Belarus, particularly regarding the movement of military equipment.