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Belarus announces transfer of Iskanders and Polonez artillery systems to Ukraine border regions

Belarus announces transfer of Iskanders and Polonez artillery systems to Ukraine border regions Photo: Belarus wants to transfer Iskanders and Polonez to the border with Ukraine (roe ru)

Belarus has announced that it will strengthen the regions bordering Ukraine. Troops and Iskander and Polonez systems are set to be deployed there, according to Belarusian Defense Minister Viktor Khrenin.

According to him, Belarusian self-proclaimed President Alexander Lukashenko allegedly ordered the reinforcement of troops in the Gomel and Mozyr regions, which border the northern areas of Ukraine.

As part of this "reinforcement," Belarus claims it will deploy troops and missile systems to the border.

"Units of the special operations forces, ground forces, and missile troops, including the Polonez rocket systems and Iskander complexes, have been tasked with moving to designated areas," Khrenin said.

Note: The Polonez is a Belarusian 301-mm multiple launch rocket system designed for precise strikes on personnel, unarmored and armored military vehicles, and other targets.

The Iskander is a Russian operational-tactical missile system. The Iskander-M is a ballistic missile. Earlier, Alexander Lukashenko claimed that two battalions of Iskander-M missile systems had been delivered to Belarus.


It is worth noting that today, August 10, Belarusian leader Alexander Lukashenko accused Ukraine of allegedly violating Belarusian airspace. He claims that Ukrainian drones entered Belarus yesterday.

According to Lukashenko, some of the targets were supposedly "shot down" over Belarus, while the rest were in Russia.

Lukashenko also stated that Belarus would not leave provocations unanswered. Ukraine has not yet responded to the self-proclaimed president's statements.