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What’s happening at Belarus border: Ukrainian border guards report

What’s happening at Belarus border: Ukrainian border guards report Photo: spokesman of the State Border Service of Ukraine Andrii Demchenko (mediacenter org ua)

The situation on Ukraine's border with Belarus is under control. Border guards have not observed any movement of equipment or troops toward the Ukrainian border, reports Andrii Demchenko, spokesperson of the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine, during a television marathon.

"The situation directly along the border remains unchanged and fully under control. However, we can see that Belarus is once again escalating tensions in this direction, likely to continue playing along with Russia. We’re seeing accusations against Ukraine — something that Lukashenko and all of Belarus have repeatedly done," he said.

Demchenko emphasized that, at this time, there has been no observed movement of Belarusian military equipment or personnel near the Ukrainian border.

"Most likely, as part of this information campaign, Belarus will be forced to produce photo and video materials. It’s possible that some units might be stationed near the border with Ukraine, but as of now, no additional forces have been detected near our border," the spokesperson noted.

He added that Ukrainian border guards are continuously monitoring the situation in Belarus.


Yesterday, on August 10, the self-proclaimed president of Belarus, Alexander Lukashenko, claimed that Ukrainian drones had allegedly entered Belarusian territory. He asserted that Belarusian air defense had destroyed about 10 drones, with the rest flying into Russia.

Lukashenko threatened that Belarus would not leave provocations unanswered. Following this, he ordered additional troops and equipment to be deployed to regions bordering Ukraine. The Belarusian defense minister stated that Polonez multiple launch rocket systems and Iskander missile systems would be sent to the Gomel and Mozyr regions.

Today, Belarus showcased tanks that are allegedly being sent to the border with Ukraine.