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Ukrainian army eliminates Russian air defense systems in preparation for arrival of F-16 jets in Ukraine

Ukrainian army eliminates Russian air defense systems in preparation for arrival of F-16 jets in Ukraine The Ukrainian Armed Forces prepare for the arrival of F-16 fighters in Ukraine (photo: Getty Images)

Ukrainian Air Forces are striking enemy air defense systems in the temporarily occupied territory of Ukraine and in border regions of Russia to secure the arrival and deployment of F-16 fighters in the summer and fall of this year, according to the Institute for the Study of War (ISW).

Analysts from the Institute referred to a statement by Oleksandr Syrskyi, Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, who reported that overall, Defense Forces had destroyed 20 S-300 launchers and 15 radar stations over an unspecified period.

The report also indicated that on July 8, Syrskyi published geolocation footage showing Ukrainian forces using cluster munitions to target Russian air defense systems located east of the occupied village of Mangush in the Donetsk region (west of Mariupol).

Simultaneously, the founder of the KRAKEN unit within Ukraine's Main Intelligence Directorate (MID) of the Ministry of Defense, Kostiantyn Nemichev, stated on July 12 that Ukrainian forces had destroyed four Russian S-300 systems, which Russian forces had used to strike Kharkiv over an unspecified period.

According to ISW, the Council of Deputies of Krasnyansky Rural Settlement in the Volgograd region, Russia, reported the elimination of the commander of a Russian S-300 battery due to strikes by Ukrainian air defense systems on positions along the Kharkiv direction at 13:00 local time on July 12.

"The Russian S-300 commander more likely died in a Ukrainian strike against occupied Mariupol, as the commander's reported time of death is within 15 minutes of a reported strike against a Russian S-300 system near Mariupol on July 12. ISW has not observed indications of a Ukrainian strike against Russian air defense assets in Belgorod Oblast on July 12. ISW is unable to confirm the location of the July 12 strike," the report stated.

The Council of Deputies of Krasnyansky Rural Settlement also reported that on July 12, the commander of the S-300 battery, killed recently, had noted in a recent letter that over the past two weeks, Ukrainian strikes on Russian air defense systems had killed two Russian battery commanders. ISW speculates this refers to a specific period in June to early July 2024.

At the Institute for the Study of War, they recalled Syrskyi's words about Ukrainian forces systematically destroying Russian air defense assets to facilitate the successful deployment of Ukrainian Air Force strikes in anticipation of the imminent arrival of F-16 fighters.

ISW noted that the deliveries of F-16s to Ukraine will begin in small numbers, and limitations in material support and training will likely hinder Ukrainian forces from extensively employing the aircraft in 2024.

"Ukrainian officials have previously indicated that Ukrainian forces also intend to use F-16s and other fixed-wing aircraft as part of Ukraine's broader air defense umbrella. However, as ISW previously noted, Ukraine will need to attrit Russia's overall air defense capabilities to safeguard F-16s and properly integrate them into Ukraine's combat operations," concluded the Institute for the Study of War.

Striking Russian air defense systems

On July 16, Oleksandr Syrskyi, Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, announced that Ukrainian Defense Forces had struck a Russian S-300 complex in temporarily occupied territory in the Donetsk region.

Additionally, Kyiv is collaborating with the government of Poland on organizing the interception of Russian missiles over Ukrainian territory.

For more details on the successful destruction of Russian air defense systems and preparations for the integration of Western F-16 fighters, read the article by RBC-Ukraine.