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Ukrainian army eliminated 13 air defense systems and over 8,000 Russian soldiers in week

Ukrainian army eliminated 13 air defense systems and over 8,000 Russian soldiers in week Lieutenant General Oleksandr Pavliuk, Commander of the Ground Forces of the Ukrainian Armed Forces (photo: Vitalii Nosach, RBC-Ukraine)

Ukrainian Armed Forces continue to inflict significant losses on Russian soldiers. Over the past week, Ukrainian troops have eliminated more than 8,000 enemy personnel and nearly 1,500 units of weaponry and equipment, including 13 air defense systems, reports Lieutenant General Oleksandr Pavliuk, Commander of the Ground Forces of the Ukrainian Armed Forces.

According to the lieutenant general, enemy losses from August 18 to August 25 totaled:

  • approximately 8,330 Russian soldiers;
  • 1,473 units of enemy weaponry and military equipment.

He specified that among the lost equipment and weaponry during this period were:\

  • 39 tanks;
  • 151 armored combat vehicles (ACVs);
  • 340 artillery systems;
  • 10 multiple launch rocket systems (MLRS);
  • 13 air defense systems;
  • 483 vehicles;
  • 82 units of special equipment.

Additionally, the Commander of the Ukrainian Ground Forces noted that Ukrainian defenders destroyed 12 missiles and 343 enemy drones over the week.

It was previously reported by the General Staff on the morning of August 25 that Ukrainian forces had eliminated 1,190 Russian soldiers and 47 enemy artillery systems over the past day.

Additionally, the military command had previously reported that in the Pokrovsk direction, the enemy was conducting active offensive operations in an attempt to improve their tactical position. However, the Ukrainian Defense Forces are inflicting significant losses on the Russian forces in terms of personnel and equipment.